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Detaljno uputstvo za Eucerin Anti-age Tonirani fluid za zaštitu od sunca SPF50+ Tamni
Choose a product that offers the right level of protection for your skin. It should protect against UVA and UVB rays and offer HEVIS light defense. It should also be tailored to your skin type and condition.
It’s important to use sufficient product and to reapply it at regular intervals. You can use your palm to measure how much product to use. We recommend that – to cover your face, neck and décolleté – you use a thick line of cream that stretches from the tip of your middle finger down to your wrist.
Some parts are easy to miss. Don’t forget the bridge of your nose and your neck.
Glavna otkrića
Sve sastojke biramo sa velikom pažnjom i nikada ne pravimo kompromis kad je reč o kvalitetu. Saznajte više o glavnim sastojcima ovog preparata.
Sastojci u preparatima našeg brenda se redovno ažuriraju. Iz tog razloga, povremeno može doći do neslaganja između sastojaka na našoj veb stranici i na ambalaži našeg preparata. Stoga preporučujemo da uvek obratite pažnju na informacije na ambalaži našeg preparata i proverite sastojke koji su tamo navedeni.
Likokalkon A je moćan antioksidans, aktivni sastojak koji deluje protiv zapaljenja. Dobija se iz korena jedne vrste kineskog sladića (Glycyrrhiza Inflata) koji koristi prirodna jedinjenja da zaštiti svoje ćelije od prekomerne sunčeve svetlosti. Kada se upotrebljava u preparatima za negu kože, likokalkon A deluje na smanjenje upale i neutralisanje slobodnih radikala koji negativno utiču na ćelije kože i ubrzavaju proces starenja. Pomaže u zaštiti dubljih slojeva epidermisa od uticaja sunca.
Enoksolon, takođe poznat i kao gliciretinska kiselina, dobija se iz korena biljke Kineskog sladića. On inhibira enzim hijaluronidazu (HYAL1) koji rezgrađuje hijaluronsku kiselinu i na taj način smanjuje razgradnju hijaluronske kiseline same kože za više od 50%.
Hijuronsku kiselinu stvaraju ćeije kože i ona je deo vezivnog tkiva kože. Ima sposobnost da veže količinu vode koja je između 1.000 i 10.000 puta veća od njene težine (odnosno jedan gram vezuje između jednog i deset litara vode). Kako starimo, prirodna sposobnost kože da proizvodi hijaluronsku kiselinu opada usled čega se formiraju i produbljuju bore.
How do I know which SPF to use?
Sunscreens are available in four different levels of protection: low (factor 6 to 10), medium (15 to 25), high (30 to 50) and very high (50+). The higher the protection factor the better your skin is protected, but it’s important to apply the product thoroughly (be careful not to miss any bits) and to reapply it generously every two hours.
What is high-energy visible light and why does my skin need to be protected from it?
The sunlight spectrum consists of UV, visible and infrared light. Visible sunlight can be detected by the human eye, while the others remain invisible. Part of this visible spectrum has a high energy level and is known as high-energy visible light. It is also referred to as HEVIS light, HEV Light, HEVL and sometimes ‘blue light’ or ‘blue violet light’
Like UVA rays, HEVIS light penetrates the deeper layers of skin (the dermis) and can generate free radicals. These free radicals are one of the main causes of photoaging (premature skin aging caused by the sun). They interfere with skin cells and break down the collagen and elastin that gives our skin its plump, youthful appearance. HEVIS light has also been linked to uneven skin pigmentation and melasma.
Many modern sunscreens offer effective protection against UVA and UVB rays, but we recommend that you look out for products that also defend against the negative effects of HEVIS light. These products will give your skin reliable protection from photoaging and, in the long run, can also help to combat visible signs of skin aging such as wrinkles.
Why should I integrate sun face care into my daily routine?
Facial skin is more sensitive to UVA/UVB radiation and HEVIS light than skin on the rest of the body as it is exposed to sun all year round. Sun protection can help you avoid the cellular DNA damage caused by UV, photoaging (premature aging caused by the sun) and hyperpigmentation. It is important to protect facial skin whenever it is exposed to the sun.
What is the difference between Eucerin Sun Photoaging Control Tinted SPF 50+ Medium and Eucerin Sun Fluid Photoaging Control SPF50?
Both formulas offer Eucerin’s Advanced Spectral Technology which combines broadband and photostable UVA and UVB filters1 with Licochalcone A to neutralize the free radicals caused by UV and high-energy visible light. Both formulas also include Hyaluronic Acid which visibly reduces wrinkles.
The main differences between the two products are that:
One offers very high sun protection (SPF 50+) while the other offers high sun protection (SPF 50)
One contains color pigments (Instantly unifies complexion & provide additional defense against HEVIS induced signs of aging) and the other doesn’t.
(1) Meeting the high standards for UVA and UVB protection defined by Cosmetics Europe. The levels of UVA protection are higher than the EU recommendation.
Pročitajte članke na ovu temu
Likohalkon A, Gliciretinska kiselina, Hijaluronska kiselina
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